

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Half baked- 20 weeks!

I cannot believe I'm already 20 weeks (and 5 days, yea i'm a little late on this update..sue me! ) I'm so excited to be getting closer but it still feels like such a long time until our baby will be here! We had our anatomy scan done a little over a week ago and after giving us lots and lots of trouble 'Sunshine' FINALLY cooperated and let us see that she's a little GIRL, which I had been suspecting for a while. As far as I know everything else looked good, the tech obviously never tells you anything but I haven't heard anything from my midwife, whom I've seen/ talked to several times since, so I assume no news is good news.

The Friday that we had the a/s we also had a gender reveal get-together w/ our families and close friends. Needless to say I am so excited that we are having a girl, I'm so ready to buy bows, dresses and frilly stuff! My mom is so excited, partly because we are a very "female dominated" family and I think partly because we have chose to carry on the family tradition of the name "Dena", which is her and her grandmother's name. It actually goes back in the family much further than that, from what i'm told the name has been being passed down for 500-600 years. Eric's mom is also very excited, since she only had boys.

I'm starting to feel her move a lot, at least several times a day and the movements are getting pretty strong too. I still can't feel her move from the outside though, and Eric is very anxious to feel her! Also, i've started cleaning out the room that will be the nursery and one of my BFFs, Katie, came over and helped by spackling some holes and cracks for me. Despite feeling her move, her having a name, and starting on her nursery, it still doesn't feel real. I know i'm going to have a baby, but the fact that she will be MY daughter still hasn't sunk it. I'm sure it will randomly hit me once we get closer I'm really hoping that these next 20 weeks will go by fairly quickly with so much to do to get ready, between starting work on a birth plan and 
birth classes, a baby shower, and getting the nursery painted and ready!

So time for the updated stats:
How far along? 20w5d                
How big is baby? Almost this size of a pomegranate                                                                       
How I'm feeling? pretty good!!                                  
Weight Gain? Im about 235 right now, which puts me 5-ish lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight and                                             
 How I'm changing? I would say i'm actually starting to look pregnant!! and my boobs are out of control lol!                                                                                     
Symptoms? Still tired and a little achey. Oh and im pretty sure my boobs are going to fall off my body!  Cravings? BBQ!                               
 Highlights from the past few weeks: Seeing out baby on the u/s again, she was being soo squirmy, finding out the gender, and starting to feel her  move around all day long! 

Oh and for a few updated pics:

The 20 week 'half baked' bump! <3

And a few new pics of our baby girl 
Dena Lennon

Well that's all for now, I have a check up with my midwife next week and i'll update after that!