

Sunday, December 22, 2013

2 months of Sunshine!!

DISCLAIMER: I've never been a great proof-reader, and did not have time to proofread this post well... so just please excuse spelling and grammar issues, as well as sentence structure, etc etc etc!   :P

So this is a little late, but you should expect that by now! December 14th was 2 months since our Lennon love was born, and what a crazy, but great 2 months it has been!

 We got her tongue tie freed, so she has discovered her tongue and loves sticking it out! The procedure was quick, seemed relatively painless (she barely fussed), and she nursed better immediately! Before the procedure I wasn't sure how I felt about BFing, I liked it because I knew it was what was best for her, but I definitely did not love it! However, within a few days she had learned to latch correctly and it has pretty much been smooth sailing since. I now have a love/ hate relationship with BFing, some days... it's not fun, but most days I love nursing time, especially the snuggles afterwards, Lennon is such a snuggle bunny!! She is holding her head up and looking around at everything, she is just so curious! She loves staring at the TV if i'll let her, the computer screen, the colorful curtains in our room, and she likes looking out the window! She smiles so much now , she especially likes it when I make a "gasp!" noise, it makes her smile every time! And best of all she found her voice and loves to babble and coo, every morning after she eats, she gets super happy & we have our "talking time". It's great to see her smiling and happy, after weeks of a fussy baby!
She is growing slowly, but she's definitely growing! This past month she has finally starting growing into some of her 0-3mon clothes and she's nearly out of her newborn diapers!

We spent Thanksgiving at home, my parents, siblings, and grandpa came over, Lennon slept through most of it! That night she also had her very first trip ever to a hospital, but it was only to visit her future BFF Jacelyn when she was born! Oh! & we discovered that she loves music, especially 'One Love' by Bob Marley, if she's fussy and I put it playing, it usually does the trick. Eric is trying to get her to like country, but she's pretty much my clone so I don' think that's going to happen!

Despite being kind of clingy, our sweet sunshine is actually a good baby most days and she's sleeping really well. Most nights we go to bed about 2 am (we are both night owls) she sleeps until about 730, wakes up to eat, and then we both go back to sleep until 11 am or noon!  My milk imbalance has pretty much evened out so she's not quite as gassy, but she started showing some signs of silent reflux, which causes her to be gassy & fussy after eating. She did great at her 2 month check up. She seems so love Dr. Ardoin , which I do too! He said she was healthy, strong, and beautiful! He took my concerns about the signs of reflux that she has serious and agreed after listening to me and checking her out that she seems to have some silent reflux, but luckily is not rushing to put her on medications or rice cereal. He said the best thing is to keep her exclusively breastfeeding but to try to feed her in smaller amounts more frequently &  keep her sitting up a bit after eating, he said that she should out grow it.If she does not outgrow it or it starts causing issues with her growing and thriving then we will discuss other options! It's so great to have a doctor that is so supportive of breastfeeding and respectful of our other parenting decisions. Pediatricians like that are hard to find now days! He is totally worth the hour drive!

On my end of things, i'm doing much better now that we've gotten our breastfeeding issues taken care of and i'm actually getting some sleep!! I had my last appointment with my midwives as well this month and it was such a bittersweet visit. I had such awesome care through out my pregnancy, during my birth, and postpartum with them, I was sad that that chapter of our journey was officially done. However as amazing as that chapter was, I know this one will be even better because I am totally in love with this baby lately! Don't get me wrong, I've loved her from day 1, but those first 4-6 weeks are HARD. I wasn't eating, or sleeping well, and of course my hormones were all jacked up, which all made it hard to completely enjoy our new baby. But since finding our groove and figuring things out a bit more, I've just become completely consumed with love for this baby girl!!

Highlights from this month:

Rocking her turkey bow from her Tauntie!

 Lennon hanging out with her Partner-in-Crime, Jacelyn! It's crazy what a difference 6 weeks makes at this age, Lennon is so big compared to Jacelyn!

Naptime! <3

1st visit to Santa
Passed out after watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
2 month check up w/ Dr. Ardoin

And her official 2 month pic went much better than last month, we actually got smiles!

Oh, this baby has stolen my heart y'all, but that about it for this month! I PROMISE i'm working on her birth story , maybe i'll be done by the time she's 3 months!!?