Month 3:
Baby girl finally outgrew her newborn clothes and started filling out her 0-3 month clothes! She weighed in at about 11.5 lbs and was 24 inches long! She found her thumb and kicked the pacifier to the curb!! I didn't want her to be a thumb sucker, since it's easier to take away a pacifier ..but it makes her happy, so I'm not fighting it. She found her voice and loves to 'talk', coo, and screech! I just love to hear her sweet little voice!! I'm not sure what she's saying, but she seems very passionate about it (I can't imagine where she gets that)!
Month 4:
Lennon turned 4 months on Valentine's day and we spent the day in Lake Charles. We got to have lunch and catch up with Becca and then killed some time shopping until it was time for her check up. As always her check up went great. She weighed 12lb 7.5 oz and was 25 inches long. Skinny mini is just below the 25th percentile in weight but in the 75th for height! Dr. Ardoin assured me that even though she is gaining slowly, she is thriving and healthy! As always, he was perfectly okay with the fact that we were skipping her 4 month shots even though the nurse seemed a little peeved by it. This month she also became quite the little flirt, talking and giggling at everyone that talks sweet to her.She also mastered rolling from tummy to back and has back to tummy down pretty good too!
We are 4 months into breastfeeding and I don't see us stopping anytime soon! I still have to correct her latch every now and then but other than that it's going great! I truly love nursing her, she is just the sweetest little girl. She rubs my hand or chest as she nurses and it melts my heart, every.single.time! I am constantly grateful for the tons of support that we had that I believe truly set us up for a successful breastfeeding experience. T Also, 4 months into cloth diapering and we are still sposie free and I don't foresee us giving it up anytime soon either!! I had a little issue with Lennon getting a rash from diapers not getting clean enough, but I changed detergent, at the suggestion of a friend, and after rewashing the diapers the problem was solved!
Okay, i'm going to be done before I start rambling.
My name is Fawn, I am 28 yrs old and have known I have PCOS since I was 14. My husband and I are have been TTC for 3 years now and our journey has been long and emotional. Your story is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing. I have wanted to tell my story but words are hard to find and with some people not on my side it makes it hard. Thanks again for sharing!