

Thursday, June 7, 2012

2 week waiting.

For those of you who don't understand TTC language the 2 week wait (or 2ww) is the 2 weeks between ovulation and your expected period or when you will get a positive pregnancy test.

These two weeks will make you crazy. Every twitch, cramp, headache, etc is a 'sign of pregnancy'. Babies and being pregnant pretty much consume your every thought! I am currently in the 2ww. I think.

So last cycle was 'normal', like text book normal. Aunt Flo was here cycle day 1-4, then I started having light cramping on CD9 or 10 and then CD14-16 i had EWCM (fertile cervical mucus). Since I was not temping or using OPKs this cycle I have no way to confirm ovulation. But in the wee morning hours of CD28, I went to the bathroom and discovered AF was back in town! WTF, she's usually never on time! So based on my normal 15 day luteal phase, I think I Oed CD14! Again, i have no way to confirm this, but with it being so short and perfect with the timing of the EWCM, I'm almost certain I Oed! I was hoping that it would be our BFP cycle, but no such luck, I was still very excited that I had normal cycle.

So far this cycle seems to be going well too! I noticed some minor cramping around CD10 and decided to take some ovulation tests for the next few days. My best guess according to my CM and OPKs would put my O at CD13/14. So being 8-9dpo I've already lost my has been the longest 8 days! I just want to test! NOW! Especially since I'm having crampyness in the left side of my ute, which could be a sign of implantation (see there is the crazyness I was talking about) But it's too early to test. I will start testing on Saturday! Fingers crossed for a BFFP!

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