

Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm out!

Whelp,this cycle is done for, AF showed today! BOO! I was a little upset, since I got my hopes up with that [false] positive. But I'm trying to stay positive. Easier said than done...but I realized that I can either a) be mad/ depressed/ bitter/ pissed off, stay in bed  and do nothing for a week but eat, sleep, & poop. or b) realize that it wasn't meant to be this cycle, move on and choose to be happy and do my best to get my body healthy.

I'm choosing 'b'....that doesn't mean I'm not going to wake up tomorrow and be pissed off and want to switch to option  'a'. But, I can't... It's not productive and/or healthy

So here is the plan of attack...
1. Choose every day to be happy regardless of how my ovaries are acting.
2. Get back on my diet come hell or high water
3. Get my fat ass back to the gym, again..come hell  or high water
4. Start temping again this cycle, just to know what's going on and if i'm actually Oing

I've decided to start school in September to get my massage therapy licence. That will take until the end of March. So my plan is to stay on the plan we are on until then, after I finish school if there is not a baby Vidrine on the way...then we will start infertility treatment.

So that's it..for now. I don't want to write too much since I'm tired and will prob start rambling.. so good night!

Peace & Love Y'all-

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