The last 2 weeks has been, hard. Every cramp, twitch, sniffle, etc. has "surely been a sign I'm pregnant". I made the mistake of starting to test early (around 10dpo), but since I didn't temp this cycle I could have been less. Anywho, after several BFFN a few days in a row I became pretty discouraged.Then when I woke up today [I won't say this morning since it was about 1pm :D ], I decided to take another test, to my disbelief, I saw a second line, faint..but defiantly there [don't get too excited yet, the story isn't over]. So in shock I dip another one of my IC [internet cheapies, cheap tests you order online] wait a few mins... NEGATIVE! Knowing these ICs can vary somewhat in their sensitivity, I decided to run to Walgreen's to buy a First Response test, hoping that I would get a clear-er answer. Well as I was getting dressing Eric called to say we was on his was home, since he got rained out of work. So I got him to stop and pick up a test.He came home, super excited...only to be let down. FR test was also negative. :'(
I know it's not over yet. There is a possibility that the first test that I took was extra sensitive and the other tests aren't picking it up because I'm not as many DPO as I think. But only time will tell, I'm trying to no stress and just give it up to the universe, but considering I have heartburn, cramps, a stabby boob's hard to get my mind off of it. I can't help but think, is this our first sign of life?
So for now I continue to wait, impatiently, praying to God..begging, pleading, bargaining for a child to love.
I am sorry that the test are confusing! I hope that it maybe it was extra sensitive! If not, big hugs! (((hugs)))