

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Paleo/ Weight loss update 8-26-12

1.Starting Weight/current weight/goal weight?
261(heaviest recorded)/237/175

24lbs lost!
62lbs to go!

2. How much weight have I lost this week?
since last weigh-in (a few weeks ago) I've lost 5.

3. What eating plan are you following?

4. What kind of exercise have I engaged in over this past week? How many hours?
Not much.... just a lot of house work, and that's about it.

5. How was I successful this week ?
 I would say I was about 98% Paleo this week. I even managed to stay in ketosis all week!

6. Any slips or set backs this week?
A few, but nothing major. (I just cannot say no to Casa Ole')

7. My motivation for losing weight this week?
Oddly enough, getting pregnant is not currently my main motivation. Like I've mentioned in previous blogs, I've had some anxiety lately about being pregnant. With the increased risks of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and pre-term labor that comes with PCOS, I realized that getting pregnant is only half of the battle, maintaining a health pregnancy will be hard if i'm not healthy going into it. So my motivation right now is to get healthy so I can not only get pregnant, but so I will be able to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

8. Wild Card!!!
oops! forgot the wild card...'s pic of me all prettied up for a pin up girl class that I photoed yesterday.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Positive Affirmation Friday-Episode 2.

As promised, every Friday I'm going to post some sort of positive affirmation to help me (and maybe you) with this journey. Most of them will be TTC/ IF?PCOS related but may apply to everyday life as well. I had a hard time thinking of something to say this week. I haven't had  bad week, but AF made her arrival Monday and that always puts a damper on my positivity. 

But I remembered an image, possibly from Post Secret, that I had set as the background of my computer early on in our TTC journey that I thought I could share.

This is pretty self-explanatory, but it's something that I have to remind myself of often. We live in a "fast-food society" not only in regards to the way we eat, but in the way we like thinks all done. quick, fast, and in a hurry.We hate waiting our turn in lines so when possible we pay bills & shop online,  then we hate having to wait 7-10 business days for a package to come, so we pay for express shipping. When we want to lose weight , we look for a magic pill or quick-fix diet that will give us the results that we want with out any work or effort on our parts.Hell, there are even websites where you can grocery shop online and order warm fresh cookies that are delivered right to your door.  We are so use to instant gratification in our every day lives that when we start TTC we expect our baby to be delivered warm, fresh, and fast! Seriously if you could express ship a baby!! OMG! I would have 10 by now!

The point is, just because it's taking your baby a little longer to arrive than it takes some woman does not mean that it will never come and when that time comes it will totally be worth the work and wait!

-disclaimer- I typed this while having some sort of debris in my eye so sorry for A) typos and B) rambling because I was too distracted to type a coherent sentence .

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TTC Cycle 11ish...over and out.

Whelp my for the last several days my temp was slowly but surely creeping further and further down follow by a pretty big drop at 12dpo. It was still above the cover line, so I held out hope...but I knew I was out.
Today at 13dpo, my temp was slightly back up so I decided to test, so I went to PIAC only to discover that AF had made her arrival.

I'm a little bummed. But I'll be OK. I did O, so that is a huge victory in this battle. I think my friends were more bummed than I was. Jessica gave me a great pep talk, told me how much she hated that I had to go through this, and offered a listening ear, and shoulder to cry on if need be. Can I just say I have great friends!! Although I have made peace with this cycle ending in "failure", and don't feel the need to dwell on it or cry over it. It's great to have that kind of support.

So we are moving forward to cycle 12ish, again, I've lost count. If it's not cycle 12 then it's cycle 11....we'll say 12 though, because I think that 12 is right. :-/ I'll be doing my best to focus on my diet and exercise so that maybe I can O again and have anther chance to get  KTFU!

 Well that's it for now, this girl is sleepy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I originally was hesitant about starting this blog and making our struggle public knowledge by being so open on Facebook and with our friends and family. Even now, though we have been "out of the TTC closet" for awhile, when I post things PCOS/ infertility related stuff on Facebook I worry how it will be received. I wonder if people are annoyed by it (though I am annoyed by people 24/7 baby updates), or if it is going to met with ignorant comments such as "just have a lot of sex everyday & it will happen" or "y'all are young give it time" or "take one of my kids for a day, you'll change your mind about wanting kids " to which I say "sure I'll take one off your hands permanently  if they inconvenience you that much".

However, recently I have received reassurance that I made the right decision when I decided to make our struggle public. In the last several weeks I have had 4 ladies message me with questions about TTC & infertility. All of these women were at different points in their TTC journey, one is just starting the process and the other 3 are 6 months -2 years in. But none of these ladies have many ,if any, other women in their life that they know of that are TTC or dealing with infertility.

My question is WHY!? Infertility affects 1 in 7 couples, so chances are that all those women know  several other people that are struggling with IF, but don't realize it since most couples struggle in silence. Why is TTC and infertility something we feel we need to hide? Why is it such a taboo topic?

 I know that infertility is by far the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. As a woman, you feel like it is suppose to come naturally, it is what we were made to do. So when it doesn't happen naturally, we feel like we have failed and of course want to hide our failure. Why must we be afraid to say things about infertility & TTC because it might be met with ignorance? Well I'm going to make a bold statement here, and it's just my opinion so do what you want with it. We have to to scared of  the ignorance surrounding infertility BECAUSE we are too scared to speak up.That's right, our infertility IS NOT our fault...but when we allow those around us to remain ignorant because we remain silent...their ignorance IS our fault. Silence breeds misunderstanding & ignorance, and that is true with any condition, situation, or issue.

We need to speak up and be open and honest about infertility. When we do we can finally realize that we are not alone in our pain,and support each other. We can teach to those people that are ignorant about the subject how to be compassionate and supportive to friends and family that may be infertile. We can teach them that infertility is a medical issue that "just relaxing" or "getting drunk and having sex" will not fix. We can hopefully soften hearts of parents that have been blessed with children easily or even on accident, but view them as burdens, to make them realize how lucky they truly are. We can assure other women that have been dealt this horrible card that they are not failures. We can raise awareness for more research which will hopefully lead to cures for common infertility causing diseases and  awareness for better infertility coverage on insurance. We can make 'Infertility Awareness' just as common as 'Breast Cancer Awareness'...but we cannot be afraid to SPEAK UP!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TTC cycle 11 [I think] Update.

We are quickly approaching 2 years TTC now. This is month 19, but only cycle 11 or maybe just 10. I'm not entirely sure any more. But, I'm still taking my MF and many other vitamins and supplements along with the herbal tea (which I don't drink religiously, because I forget to make it at night) and my herbal tincture, which despite it tasting like dirt and grass, I do actually remember to take.As far as diet, I'm not perfectly Paleo.... but I try my best. Sometimes I fail but I've been doing better about getting right back on the wagon.

This cycle, I am hopeful. I am currently 7(well by the time I post this it will probably be midnight) so actually, 8dpo. My chart is looking really good and I'm having some 'phantom symptoms'. Mild cramping, sore boobs, fatigue... all things that could be signs that I'm FINALLY knocked up, but also possibly just signs that AF is on her way.

I keep thinking about the two possible outcomes and I'm finding myself a little scared to be pregnant. Obviously that is the outcome that I want, but I can't help but be scared of some of the unknowns that come along with pregnancy and PCOS. I've spent so long focusing on GETTING pregnant with PCOS, I haven't given much thought to BEING pregnant with PCOS. This is totally a 'cart before horse' anxiety that i'm having right now, but for some reason I can't seem to get it off my mind. Woman with PCOS have a higher miscarriage rate, as well as higher rates of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, which of course cause issues of their own. Now, I know that if we come to that bridge proper diet along with exercise can help you avoid/manage those issues. But I'm just being a worrier.

On the other hand, I cannot stop looking at all things baby related. Birth photography, baby clothes, slings, breastfeeding stuff, natural birth stuff, nursery themes, ALL OF IT!

I need to slow my roll, like fo' real yo.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

How Fat is Kayla Day-08/02/12

1.Starting Weight/current weight/goal weight?
261(heaviest recorded)/242/175

67lbs to go!

2. How much weight have I lost this week?
I've gained 2, but I feel bloated, so that might be a contributing factor.

3. What eating plan are you following?
I've been about 50% Paleo this week

4. What kind of exercise have I engaged in over this past week? How many hours?
No gym this week, but I've brought Deuce on a few walks this week (we have a 3 mile route)

5. How was I successful this week ?
I could have done better, i also could have done much much worse. But I think I've managed to stay in slight ketosis most of the week.

6. Any slips or set backs this week?
A lot, at least one a day.

7. My motivation for losing weight this week?
Just want a baby.... :-(

8. Wild Card!!!

I found this quote awhile back and i'm really liking it lately. Although I feel unbelievably cheated that what woman are suppose to do naturally and many many many woman do easily and often "on accident", I have to fight like hell for.