

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

11 weeks!

I truely hope the rest of this pregnancy goes as fast as the 1st trimester has gone. When I first got my BFP at around 4-ish weeks it seemed like forever until then end of my first trimester, and here I am, nearing the end of it. Sunshine is now the size of a lime! We made the big announcement this week. A lot of people, that we see face to face often, already knew. But we made it "Facebook official" this week. It was weird doing it earlier that we had planned,  I always said I would wait until 12 weeks but I knew we were going to be ratted out before then! And I really wanted to be the one to share our news that we have waited so long to share.

So Sunday we did our announcement pics and I could not be any happier with how they turned out! I may have cried while looking through them.. This is what we put together for our announcement. Though I am not an overly religious person the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel really stuck with me throughout the last year or so of our journey. So I decided to use the slightly cliche' verse because so say that I did not pray every night for  this baby would be a total lie. 

I continue to pray for this baby to grow and develop and make a safe entrance (and natural entrance) into this world in about 29 weeks. I pray that somehow this little being knows how much it is loved and wanted already.

How far along? 11 weeks - 11 weeks 2 days. Somewhere in that range!
How big is baby? size of a lime
How I'm feeling? Okay, not great. But not bad either. Except for a few reenactments of the 'pea soup' scene of The Excorist a times this week! 

Weight Gain? still at about 4 or 5 lbs.
How I'm changing? not much. i notice a difference, but it's probably all bloat.
Emotional, Nauseated, & Tired   
Cravings?Mashed Potatoes 
Highlights from the past week: see our Sunshine on u/s and making the big announcement! :)

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