

Thursday, March 14, 2013

In awe.

We got to see our little sunshine today! I am in awe of the entire day, it definitely ranks in the top 3 best days of my life!

To start the day off I had a meeting with a potential client about a birth session, I love these meetings because each mom has a unique story and I just love meeting these mommas-to-be! This mom had a story that hit close to home for me. She was young, only in her early 30s but her and her husband had been trying TTC for the better part of 14 years! After doing everything possible, including IVF, they got a surprise BFP (naturally)! I was choking back tears through the entire meeting and left in awe of this woman's strength! I know 2 years what hard enough, but compared to 14 it seems like a cake walk!

After that I came home and did some work while I waited on Eric to get home (not before making a scene by throwing up in the flower bed in my front yard! lol). Eric made it home about lunch time and fixed him some left overs, I was still a little nauseated from my episode in the front yard, plus my nerves were starting to kick in so I decided not to eat, a decision that I would later regret.  Anyway, We left the house a little before one so that we could run a few errands before the appointment.  I stopped at Sonic and waited 15 mins for a route 44 ice water so that I could have a full bladder for the ultrasound. I was told to drink 32oz but I end up drinking the entire drink, which is when I started to regret not eating, an empty belly full of water, no bueno.

 We arrived at the office a little before two, I filled out my paperwork and tried to wait patiently but by 2:10 i'm pretty sure all 44 oz of water had made it's way to my bladder so I looked like a squirmy 2 year old doing a potty dance, i'm sure. Finally I got called back and warned the super nice tech that I A) hate people pressing on my stomach and B) was going to try my best not to pee on her table... I don't think she took me seriously. But she quickly discovered that I wasn't lying and that I was a difficult patient. She was having a hard time getting the angle she needed between me tensing up from being uncomfortable and also being tickled by the u/s wand. Finally she decided it would be best to call Becca to get and order for a vaginal u/s. After getting the OK from Becca, she managed to get a few measurements and the heartbeat  off the normal u/s before pulling out the "vagina-cam".  We didn't get to hear the heartbeat, though she didn't say why, but she said it was a strong 179 bpm! Once she started the vag u/s we could see the baby right away. We got to see his or her little face, arms, legs and even some fingers and toes. Then we saw the heartbeat, it was the most amazing (and comforting) thing that I have ever seen, a perfect little heartbeat just flickering away. It was a complete surreal moment seeing 'sunshine' squirming around on the monitor, and knowing that he(or she) is growing inside of me. Though it was an amazing moment for me seeing the baby that we have hoped and prayed for for two years, Eric had never seen a live u/s before and I could tell that he was completely amazed by it. Also I am measuring at about 10 weeks 3 days, which puts my "Guess date" October 8th.

Oh and if you are wondering, I have been referring to the baby as 'sunshine' because since I found out I was pregnant the song "Here Comes the Sun" has been stuck in my head and I find the lyrics applicable, so until we can actually call the baby by a gender specific name, I will call the baby Sunshine.. it sounds so much better that "the baby" or "it".

So introducing our little Sunshine :) "Due" October 8th. I am in complete awe of this tiny person inside me.

After the u/s Eric and I had a late lunch and did some maternity pants shopping. My pants are starting to severely cut in to me, so I decided some nice comfy maternity pants to stretch over my bloat would be good! :) Also, since all went well we decided that we are going to announce sometime with in the next few days after we can get our announcement pic done. It's about a week earlier than what we had planned but I think if we don't some one is going to blab our news before we get to. 

1 comment:

  1. Love his/her name: Sunshine! I love your ultrasound photo!
