

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

17 weeks.

Holy smokes! I'm 17 weeks, our baby is nearly half baked..and it still hasn't 100% sunk in that I am going to have a baby!! Not much has been going to lately, so there hasn't been much to update about. We had a check-up with our midwife today. Everything seems to be going well, Sunshine seems to be growing well and we should have an ultrasound soon to find out the gender! I'm really hoping for a girl, and Eric is of course hoping for a boy, but we obviously don't really care.I got to hear his/her heartbeat again today,it was still a nice strong 150bpm but before we found the heartbeat, we (we being myself and the midwives, Eric couldn't make it) got to hear the baby kicking the doppler every time Rebecca would press it down and we heard some hiccups, which was pretty awesome.  Right about 16 weeks I started feeling what felt like little 'flutters', I wasn't sure at first but here in the last few days there is no doubt in my mind that it is real baby movements!

so now for some quick stats:
How far along? 17weeks 2/3days
How big is baby? the size of an onion.
How I'm feeling? Good! Though I'm starting to realize that October really isn't that far away and we have a lot to do/ get/
Weight Gain? I've gained back a few lbs
. so i'm about 1-2 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight now and gained 5 since my last appointment.
How I'm changing? I'm actually starting to look pregnant! YAY!
Not much, occasional nausea from different smells.
Cravings? Fried rice and sushi, crunch rolls to be exact. 
Highlights from the past few week: feeling some flutters and hearing his/her hiccups

Here's a belly pic from today! Compared to my 4 week pic that i took the day of my BFP.. i def look knocked up!

Well that's it until out next ultrasound! 

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