I think I am going to make that my motto for awhile. I've tried pretty hard throughout the beginning of my pregnancy to not complain about feeling lousy, some days have been harder than others but I AM thankful for every symptom that lets me know our Sunshine is growing. The last few weeks have been quite the test, to say the least. Most things I have read say that at this point my nausea should be easing up... most things lie! Mine has gone from barely there to short reenactments of the pea soup scene from The Exorcist . Mainly when I brush my teeth, for some reason...that's the worst!
But on one particularly bad night, I woke up Eric on accident, and once I got back to bed he was trying to comfort me, telling me how sorry he was that I had to feel like crap and he asked if I was going to be okay to which I responded "it's okay, I'm just going to suck it up and thank God" he looked at me with a look of amazement that I was so positive after losing everything I had eaten in the past week. But to be honest even though pregnancy is far from sunshine and rainbow 24/7 for 9 months, I don't see how women can say they 'hate it'... I have a life inside of me, a human being.. that will one day walk on this earth and be an individual, which is not only cool and magical, but a little mind blowing when I really ponder the 'circle of life' factor of it.
What a great outlook Kayla! I'm sorry you are getting sick a lot. I know a lot of women said seabands helped with m/s. I hope it subsides soon! I love your quote!