

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bloat & Baby Bump....

So to the unaware passer-by I just look like a fat girl...(nothing new there!-lol) and if no one knew it would just look like I put on some weight...but actually, i've lost about 7 lbs between my first and last check-ups, which puts me at 3lbs under pre-pregnancy weight . So even though most of this is probably just bloat and my now grapefruit sized uterus pushing my already existent fat out... i'm totally gonna rock it as a baby bump. Why not!? I'm pregnant, I can! :) PS: I totally took the '4 week' photo before I found out that I was pregnant, because I was looking pretty skinny that day, I just happened to get my BFP that same day, but it works for a good "starting point" pic.

So I am nearly 15 weeks and for October seems so insanely far away! I'm still experiencing some nausea and i'm still rarely hungry with the exception of random cravings!!  Some recent cravings have been fudge, to be specific my ex-boss' peanut butter fudge, Casa Ole salsa & chips, and Chick-fil-a (which anyone that knows me know that I haven't eaten their hate-filled chicken in YEARS, so it's weird to be craving it) ! Other than that, nothing much is new. We have a few more weeks until my next check-up and hopefully soon after we will have an u/s to find out the sex of the baby! I cannot wait! I am obsessed with looking at all things girl right now, nursery colors, clothes, bows, oh how I hope this baby is a girl!! Boy stuff is not as fun!! lol.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Look at your cute baby bump! I love it! Looking good!
