

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 7.

Today I am 7 weeks & 5 days. It's been nearly a month since we got our BFP and I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes by this quickly and mostly uneventful.

Our "sweet pea" is now a "blueberry" and will soon be a raspberryin just  few more day.
My 'symptoms' seem to come and go.
Still no morning sickness though I have had severe nausea a few times through out the day, to the point where I really wanted to throw up because I think it would have made me feel better. The heartburn has eased off a little bit, but I still have to carry TUMs with me.I'm still pretty tired most of the time and had my first kind of odd craving.... a tuna fish sandwich. This may not sound odd, but considering that I HATE HATE HATE tuna... it's really weird. I though for sure it was all in my head, so I ate a handful of pita chips hoping that would satisfy the bread part of the craving but nope, it sure didn't! So I decided to make some tuna salad, knowing that I would probably take one bite and hate it. But to my surprise, it was delicious! What have I been missing my entire life!?Also I would currently kill for a chili dog. I am trying to decide  if it is wrong to go to WalMart at 230 am to get stuff to make some. Probably so, so I'll be good and go to bed instead!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweet Pea, Fins, & Midwives - 6 Weeks

I am 6 weeks & 1 day, give or take a day.
Took a HPT last night, because I'm CRAZY like that, & sure enough, I'm still pregnant.
Our little apple seed is now the size of a sweet pea :) & apparently has FINS, they will soon develop into hands and feet but are currently FINS! So Jessica has named the baby "Nemo" for this week.
No CRAZY symptoms yet, just some fatigue,some heartburn & indigestion that comes and goes, bloating, and a little nausea that comes and goes. There's been a few mornings that I thought that I was about to being familiar with morning sickness, but I managed to not get sick! 

Tuesday Eric and I met with some midwives. It was going well until I asked if she though that my weight was going to be an issue. I explained that I was generally healthy, no blood pressure or blood sugar issues. At that point the mood of the convo shifted, and she said that most women with my BMI end up getting transferred to the hospital for "long" labors and that all but one that she has transferred ended in a c section. Honestly she seemed to have a very fat-phobic, pessimistic opinion on whether or not I would be able to have a natural birth. Needless to say, I figured that she is not the midwife for us, though I am all more the willing to transfer and have a c section if it is needed, her view just came across as "you can try, but you will most likely fail", which is not the mentality I want in a midwife.

We have a consult with another area midwife on Monday, I know a few people who have used, & loved her, & she is also the midwife that attended the first birth session I shot. I recent messaged that mom to get her opinion of that midwife and she had nothing but good things to say, so we will see how that goes. If need be there are other midwives in the same group as the one we didn't care for. A friend of mine suggested that I go to a few prenatal appts and see how I care for the other midwives, and then I can always request a particular one for my birth. But luckily it's still early enough that we have time to find one that we really click with and not just settle on one.

Well, I have an early morning and long day ahead of me! I better hit the hay! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Beta #2- Little Seed is growing!

Yesterday I went in for Beta #2. I was super nervous for the results today, though I am still getting strong clear positives on HPTs. So I could barely sleep last night since I was such a nervous wreak! I woke up this morning around 930 and couldn't wait any longer. I called the OB's office and asked to speak with the nurse. She said she would have to call me back around lunch time because she was busy. I reluctantly agreed and tried to go back to sleep.

As lunch time approached  I decided to call again, because well...i'm impatient. The nurse got on the phone, it took her a minute to find the results and then proceeded to tell me that my progesterone is good and hCG was still low at 396. I about freaked out. She said that it was no big deal, she'll schedule me for a 3rd beta. UM. EXCUSE ME! NO BIG DEAL!? THAT IS THE SAME AS LAST TIME WHEN IT SHOULD BE AROUND 800! So I asked her if I should be concerned and she told me to hold on so she could look at my previous results. The she started apologizing , because apparently she was looking at the results from the first beta! So she quickly pulled up the right one and apologized once again before informing me that my hCG level was just shy of tripling at 1044!

So everything seems to be on the right track, our little seed seems to be snuggled in and growing!!
Now to find us a midwife!! :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Snuggle in tight.

 Thursday afternoon, being a few days past when I was expecting my period,I decided to take the last pregnancy test that I had. It was a digital, which I usually save for when I get a questionable dye test, but seeing as how I bought it on clearance for $1 because the box was damaged, I figured 'what the heck, i'll only be wasting $1!' . After the test screen blinked for what seemed like 30 mins, the word "Pregnant" appeared. The only other time I have ever seen that word on a digi test it was also accompanied by the word "Not".I was in total shock, my hands started shaking and I honestly didn't believe it. I closed my eyes, just knowing that when I opened them that there word "not" would be there. But, it wasn't.

Eric was at work but I couldn't wait, I called him and told him and he didn't really believe me. He figured it was a defective test or something. He told me to go get some more, so I went to Walgreen's and got another pack of digis. Then I killed sometime hanging out with my cousin  to build up some pee. When I got home I took another test and again, to my shock, I was 2 for 2! I sent it to Eric and got the response "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!" & later that night I took a 3rd digital test and sure enough it was positive.

I made it into my OB's office Friday and they gave me another test there which put me 4 for 4 BFPs and gave me a "due date" of  October 5. However, KNOWING that I didn't ovulate on CD14, that due date is not accurate. Based on my calculations it's more around October 11ish, but regardless, early to mid October. He sent the order to the lab for my first beta (blood work to check hormone levels) and I went in on Monday to get it done. about 24 LONG hours later, I hear back from the OB nurse telling me that I am in fact pregnant and that my progesterone levels look good, but my HCG level is a little low at 397 (mind you anything over 5 is considered pregnant). After a minor freak out I realized that she is basing that off of what my HCG level should be, if I were to have ovulated on cycle day 14 but since I'm about 5-7 days behind where they say I am (yes, I do know better than the Dr., since I know my own body) my HCG is well with in a normal range. I went back in today for more blood work, to make sure my numbers are doubling. I'm nervous but I'm trying to have faith that this is it. We have shared the news with our close family and friends, knowing that they will be praying for and sending lots of good energy to our baby.

I am pregnant.
5 weeks, give or take a day or 2.
 I have 2 Betas down and hopefully only 1 more to go.
Our baby is the size of an apple seed and it's little heart should start beating soon!
Symptoms : Heartburn (even from bananas!), fatigue, and the occasional stabby boob pain. But over all I feel great, I mean how could I not! The one thing I have wanted more than anything for the last 2 years has happened, and I'm going to enjoy it, heartburn and all!

Here's to hoping our little apple seed is snuggled in tight and ready to grow!!