

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweet Pea, Fins, & Midwives - 6 Weeks

I am 6 weeks & 1 day, give or take a day.
Took a HPT last night, because I'm CRAZY like that, & sure enough, I'm still pregnant.
Our little apple seed is now the size of a sweet pea :) & apparently has FINS, they will soon develop into hands and feet but are currently FINS! So Jessica has named the baby "Nemo" for this week.
No CRAZY symptoms yet, just some fatigue,some heartburn & indigestion that comes and goes, bloating, and a little nausea that comes and goes. There's been a few mornings that I thought that I was about to being familiar with morning sickness, but I managed to not get sick! 

Tuesday Eric and I met with some midwives. It was going well until I asked if she though that my weight was going to be an issue. I explained that I was generally healthy, no blood pressure or blood sugar issues. At that point the mood of the convo shifted, and she said that most women with my BMI end up getting transferred to the hospital for "long" labors and that all but one that she has transferred ended in a c section. Honestly she seemed to have a very fat-phobic, pessimistic opinion on whether or not I would be able to have a natural birth. Needless to say, I figured that she is not the midwife for us, though I am all more the willing to transfer and have a c section if it is needed, her view just came across as "you can try, but you will most likely fail", which is not the mentality I want in a midwife.

We have a consult with another area midwife on Monday, I know a few people who have used, & loved her, & she is also the midwife that attended the first birth session I shot. I recent messaged that mom to get her opinion of that midwife and she had nothing but good things to say, so we will see how that goes. If need be there are other midwives in the same group as the one we didn't care for. A friend of mine suggested that I go to a few prenatal appts and see how I care for the other midwives, and then I can always request a particular one for my birth. But luckily it's still early enough that we have time to find one that we really click with and not just settle on one.

Well, I have an early morning and long day ahead of me! I better hit the hay! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for 6 weeks! I hope Monday goes well and you will like the midwife!
