

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Snuggle in tight.

 Thursday afternoon, being a few days past when I was expecting my period,I decided to take the last pregnancy test that I had. It was a digital, which I usually save for when I get a questionable dye test, but seeing as how I bought it on clearance for $1 because the box was damaged, I figured 'what the heck, i'll only be wasting $1!' . After the test screen blinked for what seemed like 30 mins, the word "Pregnant" appeared. The only other time I have ever seen that word on a digi test it was also accompanied by the word "Not".I was in total shock, my hands started shaking and I honestly didn't believe it. I closed my eyes, just knowing that when I opened them that there word "not" would be there. But, it wasn't.

Eric was at work but I couldn't wait, I called him and told him and he didn't really believe me. He figured it was a defective test or something. He told me to go get some more, so I went to Walgreen's and got another pack of digis. Then I killed sometime hanging out with my cousin  to build up some pee. When I got home I took another test and again, to my shock, I was 2 for 2! I sent it to Eric and got the response "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!" & later that night I took a 3rd digital test and sure enough it was positive.

I made it into my OB's office Friday and they gave me another test there which put me 4 for 4 BFPs and gave me a "due date" of  October 5. However, KNOWING that I didn't ovulate on CD14, that due date is not accurate. Based on my calculations it's more around October 11ish, but regardless, early to mid October. He sent the order to the lab for my first beta (blood work to check hormone levels) and I went in on Monday to get it done. about 24 LONG hours later, I hear back from the OB nurse telling me that I am in fact pregnant and that my progesterone levels look good, but my HCG level is a little low at 397 (mind you anything over 5 is considered pregnant). After a minor freak out I realized that she is basing that off of what my HCG level should be, if I were to have ovulated on cycle day 14 but since I'm about 5-7 days behind where they say I am (yes, I do know better than the Dr., since I know my own body) my HCG is well with in a normal range. I went back in today for more blood work, to make sure my numbers are doubling. I'm nervous but I'm trying to have faith that this is it. We have shared the news with our close family and friends, knowing that they will be praying for and sending lots of good energy to our baby.

I am pregnant.
5 weeks, give or take a day or 2.
 I have 2 Betas down and hopefully only 1 more to go.
Our baby is the size of an apple seed and it's little heart should start beating soon!
Symptoms : Heartburn (even from bananas!), fatigue, and the occasional stabby boob pain. But over all I feel great, I mean how could I not! The one thing I have wanted more than anything for the last 2 years has happened, and I'm going to enjoy it, heartburn and all!

Here's to hoping our little apple seed is snuggled in tight and ready to grow!!

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