

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 7.

Today I am 7 weeks & 5 days. It's been nearly a month since we got our BFP and I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes by this quickly and mostly uneventful.

Our "sweet pea" is now a "blueberry" and will soon be a raspberryin just  few more day.
My 'symptoms' seem to come and go.
Still no morning sickness though I have had severe nausea a few times through out the day, to the point where I really wanted to throw up because I think it would have made me feel better. The heartburn has eased off a little bit, but I still have to carry TUMs with me.I'm still pretty tired most of the time and had my first kind of odd craving.... a tuna fish sandwich. This may not sound odd, but considering that I HATE HATE HATE tuna... it's really weird. I though for sure it was all in my head, so I ate a handful of pita chips hoping that would satisfy the bread part of the craving but nope, it sure didn't! So I decided to make some tuna salad, knowing that I would probably take one bite and hate it. But to my surprise, it was delicious! What have I been missing my entire life!?Also I would currently kill for a chili dog. I am trying to decide  if it is wrong to go to WalMart at 230 am to get stuff to make some. Probably so, so I'll be good and go to bed instead!!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to ready this! I keep checking for a new blog to "hear" how it's going! I'm keeping you and your little blueberry in my prayers! I pray you have a good pregnancy!
