

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Beta #2- Little Seed is growing!

Yesterday I went in for Beta #2. I was super nervous for the results today, though I am still getting strong clear positives on HPTs. So I could barely sleep last night since I was such a nervous wreak! I woke up this morning around 930 and couldn't wait any longer. I called the OB's office and asked to speak with the nurse. She said she would have to call me back around lunch time because she was busy. I reluctantly agreed and tried to go back to sleep.

As lunch time approached  I decided to call again, because well...i'm impatient. The nurse got on the phone, it took her a minute to find the results and then proceeded to tell me that my progesterone is good and hCG was still low at 396. I about freaked out. She said that it was no big deal, she'll schedule me for a 3rd beta. UM. EXCUSE ME! NO BIG DEAL!? THAT IS THE SAME AS LAST TIME WHEN IT SHOULD BE AROUND 800! So I asked her if I should be concerned and she told me to hold on so she could look at my previous results. The she started apologizing , because apparently she was looking at the results from the first beta! So she quickly pulled up the right one and apologized once again before informing me that my hCG level was just shy of tripling at 1044!

So everything seems to be on the right track, our little seed seems to be snuggled in and growing!!
Now to find us a midwife!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Kayla! I'm tearing up right now reading this! I am so happy for you!!!! I've been keeping you and your little miracle in my prayers! Congrats!
