So I'm really not sure what to say, I guess I should introduce myself.
[quick warning for non-TTCers, we infertiles have a language of our own, I will do my best to explain these terms & abbreviations as I go]
My name is Kayla, I'm 23 years old, and I have an amazing husband Eric, who is 24. We have been together just about 4 years now and have been married about 1 1/2 years. We are, for lack of a better term, complete opposites. I'm pretty liberal, and he is.. well southern Baptist.. lol. But seriously, although we are quite different, we make it work, I say its cause we balance each other well [you know that whole yin yang theory].
Anyway, we were married October 30,2010 and started NTNP (not trying, not preventing) in December of that year. The original plan was to NTNP for a year before actively TTC(trying to conceive), to give us some "couple time" that everyone suggests to newly married couples.I honestly thought that I would get pregnant in that time [oh to be young and dumb] However that plan changed in Jan 2011, AF (Aunt Flo) was late, and I was very excited at the possibility of being pregnant I took a test BFN (big fat negative), took one a few days later...another BFN. Then a few days later AF finally reared her ugly red head... and stayed for 19 days. After about 14 days, I made a Drs appt and they got me in a week later, did some blood work, and the verdict was...elevated testosterone, aka, a tell tale sign of PCOS. It was no shock, I had had irregular and often absent cycles for years before going on the BCP(Birth Control Pill) when I met Eric.
I was referred to and Endocrinologist (not an RE(reproductive endocrinologist)) who put me on MF(Metformin), knowing that I was married and ready to start having kids,with the instructions to stop taking the MF if i find myself pregnant. Eric and I at this time decided to start the TTC process since it looked like it might be a long road(this is in Feb 2011) In May when I return for a check up and mention that Eric and I started TTC and the Dr. takes me off the MF because they want me to "try naturally for 6 months". Seemed like a waste of time to me, but the write they RXs, so its hard to argue...also I think I was still pretty naive and hopeful at the time.
So August rolled around still no baby, and it was time for another check-up. During the check-up the nurse practitioner asked me if my cycles and gotten any longer and I told her yes, since my most recent cycle had been 88 days long.At that point she decided to put me back on MF to treat the long cycles (since its not an RE office, they technically cant help with the TTC part of the equation) and tells me to give it 3-6 months to really take effect, and if its not helping after 6 months then they can refer me to a RE (6 months from then is also when we would hit our 1year TTC mark).
So that's pretty much where we are now, i've been on MF for 7 months, still no baby. We made an appt with an RE but after discovering that our [shitty] insurance wasn't going to cover anything, we had to cancel, paying for treatments completely OOP (out of pocket)will add up too fast. So for now we are continuing to try with just MF(and a long list of vitamins and herbs) until we either A) have better insurance or B) have enough money saved up for treatments(after buying a that will be years down the road). Luckily, the MF seems like it might be helping my last 2 cycles have all been 46 days and 34 days.. (much better than 88 and 114) , one of those cycles I even ovulated (confirmed though BBT(basal body temperature) and I am currently on CD29 (cycle day 29) and 7dpo(7 days past ovulation) this cycle. We are hoping this will be it and it will finally be our turn. After a year battling PCOS, I sure hope so.
Sorry if this was too long, I figured I'd get out TTC history out of the way in the first post. I don't know what else to say so I'll post again when I figure it out.
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