

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

PCOS Awareness.

September is PCOS awareness month, bet ya didn't know it even existed did you? Neither did I until earlier this year.

Why is PCOS awareness important? PCOS affects 1 in 10 women and adolescent girls, it is the most common endocrine disorder and the leading cause of infertility in women. While not fatal like other issues that get so much awareness, is a dangerous condition. PCOS is a chronic condition that has no cure and leads to many other, potentially fatal diseases.

Left untreated women with PCOS are at a higher risk for diabetes,heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, stroke, and endometrial cancers. It can also lead to depression and of course infertility. You would think a condition that causes that many issues would be at the forefront of public attention, but that is sadly not the case.

It is estimated that 7million women and girls worldwide are affected by PCOS, but only 50% are actually diagnosed. This is largely due to the fact that many healthcare professionals aren't fully educated on PCOS, it's affects, and proper treatment! Nothing erks me more that hearing that someone has PCOS is their Dr. just put them on the BCP, BC does not treat PCOS, it only masks the symptoms, but i'll stay off the soap box for now.

PCOS awareness is important because it is important for women and girls to know the signs and symptoms so that they can get diagnosed and start managing their PCOS properly. It is important because doctors need to know that when a teenage girl comes in with irregular cycles, telling the that that's just part of puberty is not always the answer and that if a girl or woman does have PCOS that BCP, is not the best treatment. Women with PCOS need to be made fully aware of the risks that they have for other diseases if they leave their PCOS unmanaged. PCOS awareness is important, because like other conditions that have awareness walks, merchandise, etc. , PCOS can had a devastating effect on those affected, and a cure needs to be found.

To help support PCOS awareness, visit the PCOS Foundation to find an awareness walk, donate, or find out other ways you can help!

I am currently selling these PCOS Awareness bracelets for $5/ bracelet, the money will go to the PCOS Foundation. Email me for more info on how to purchase one, it will also help you spread the word about PCOS.

Also,if you would like to help my PCOS Fun Run/Walk team raise money for the PCOS Foundation, you can donate at the link below.

TEAM PEACE, LOVE, & PCOS!-Donate Here!!


  1. Are you still selling the bracelets???

  2. yes AF i am, if you want to email me at i can get your info to send it!

  3. Are you still selling these ? I want one.

  4. Are the bracelets still available?
